Saturday, September 29, 2012

Love never fails.

Do you ever feel that no one loves you? that your unwanted? That no one acually cares? This feeling sucks, trust me. But you have to know that the people around you love you even if they aren't good at showing it they just want what's best for you. I've learned this while fighting with my friends and family. They do care and they do love me so what's the point of giving up when it means losing the people you love? There is no point to it, you just have to keep going and hope for a better day to come and also try to make the best out of it, by talking to the people who you love and asking for advice if you need some. It isn't easy trying to make a bad day into a good one but all you can do is try and if you don't succeed well then you'll just have to try harder next time or learn from the experience and try not to let the thing that bothered you get to you again. You are all loved by someone and don't think otherwise talk to the people you love because love never fails <3

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