Sunday, September 30, 2012

The definition of beautiful does not require the word skinny.

Not feeling good about your body? you just want to be pretty and skinny? Every one is beautiful in their own shape and size, it doesn't matter if you don't look or aren't as skinny as the people in magazines they're airbrushed to make people feel bad about themselves so they can get you to buy their product. You don't need to be skinny to be beautiful, people come in all shapes, sizes, and cololurs and they are all beautiful. You have to learn to accept your body the way it is, because you will probably never be as skinny as the people in magazines. Yes accepting your body the way it is, is pretty hard sometimes but you have to try because you are beautiful. If you want to aim for something aim for fit and not skinny, don't look at that scale because muscle weighs more then fat, use a tape measure instead. Remeber you are beautiful the way you are and the definition of beautiful does not require the word skinny <3

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