Thursday, November 22, 2012


Some people can't take advice, they swear their going to change and work on it and they don't. A lot of people have this problem including me, I am stubborn and I don't always take peoples advice, but when they give it to me I try and listen to it for example someone tells me they dislike something that I do, I'll try to fix it to try and make people like me more, or if someone says to try and lead someone in a certain direction I may not agree at the time but I will listen and I will try and give that someone that opportunity to be lead in the right path. Not everyone notices that they are trying to give good advice, some people even get mad because they think you are starting to lead them in the wrong path and so on but really your their for them and you want them to be happy and have a wonderful life. Sometimes I don't know what to say or do put in a particular situation but I always give honest answers and thats what I think everyone else should do to, try their best and if it doesn't work out then it's not meant to be and thats okay because in the end everything will turn out ok.

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