Thursday, December 13, 2012


I haven't been blogging lately, I haven't been in the right state of mind and I don't want my blogs to be depressing and hurtful to anyone who is reading them. I love blogging, it is a great way to vent and it also takes your mind off of things. I have wrote a couple blogs, not posting them because I just needed to vent, thats what I do. Call me weird I don't care, it helps me don't knock it before you try it. So an update I am loving the winter here up in Canada, everything looks so pretty and sparkly and it also looks refreshing. I love the look of winter, I hate being cold but I deal with it because I know it's just a passing thing. Like many of the other things I have been going through I know that it will all pass and eventually the sun will come out.

I have to say that to my best friend that is reading this, I love you so much you have helped me through so many things I can't even possibly explain. My best friend is the one who told me about creating a blog, that its good for venting and it helps and at first I said "I don't know maybe" and then I finally made one and I'm so happy I did because it helps so much and I love blogging.

I don't know what to blog about I have so many things that I want to say but for now I will just say that anyone out there that is reading this and is having a rough time with anything at all, create a blog, it helps so much, you can get everything off your chest and it feels great. You don't have to publish it even just writing helps some people, don't knock it before you try it :)

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